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    Dental Fillings in Blackburn


    Fillings repair the damaged part of a tooth to halt decay, prevent further deterioration by providing a barrier against harmful bacteria, restore the tooth’s normal function, and improve its appearance.

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    Care Plan

    • 2 Examinations p/a
    • 2 Scale & Polish p/a
    • 2 X-Rays
    • Emergency Appointments
    • Worldwide Emergency Cover
    • Up to 15% Off Selected Treatments*

    How does it work?

    Fillings Explained

    What Are They?

    A filling is used to fill a cavity (hole) within your tooth either caused by decay or trauma.

    Without treatment, a cavity or chipped tooth can lead to toothache, bad breath, infection and potential tooth loss.

    Cavities get bigger over time, so the sooner they’re spotted and filled, the less likely you are to have problems later. That’s why regular check-ups are important.

    The most common type of fillings are amalgam (silver) fillings. For more visible areas of the mouth, your dentist may recommend composite (white) fillings, which more closely match the colour of your teeth.

    Amalgam (silver) fillings can also be upgraded to white composite filling to improve the appearance of the tooth

    What will My Dentist do?

    The dentist will numb the area, clean the tooth with a drill and replace the cavity.

    What are the benefits?

    • Fillings halt the progression of decay by repairing the damaged part of a tooth you are preventing further deterioration by providing a barrier against harmful bacteria.
    • They restore the tooth’s normal function.
    • They improve the appearance of a tooth.
    • You are preventing further deterioration by providing a barrier

    White Fillings in Blackburn

    White fillings, also known as composite fillings, are a type of dental filling that is made from a tooth-colored resin material. Unlike silver fillings, which have been used for many years, white fillings are a relatively new development in dentistry. They have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their many benefits over traditional silver fillings.

    Some reasons why white fillings are better than silver fillings include:

    • Appearance: White fillings are much more natural-looking than silver fillings, as they can be color-matched to the surrounding teeth. This makes them a popular choice for visible teeth, as they blend in seamlessly with the rest of the smile.
    • Preservation of tooth structure: Silver fillings require a larger amount of the tooth to be removed in order to create the space for the filling. With white fillings, less tooth structure needs to be removed, which means that more of the natural tooth can be preserved.
    • Bonding: White fillings bond to the tooth structure, which makes them more stable than silver fillings. This bonding also helps to prevent further decay from occurring around the filling.
    • Sensitivity: Some people experience sensitivity to temperature changes after getting silver fillings. White fillings, on the other hand, do not cause this type of sensitivity.
    • Durability: While silver fillings are known for their durability, white fillings have come a long way in recent years and can now last for many years with proper care.
    • Overall, white fillings offer a more aesthetically pleasing, conservative, and durable solution for dental fillings.

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